Today though, we’re going to keep it simple. We’re going to paint in broad strokes and just show you how to use IFTTT to automatically add any entry into Evernote.

  1. Open IFTTT and log in if necessary. 2. Find an open the Google Calendar and Evernote IFTTT recipe.
  2. Click Connect to create the Google Calendar channel.
  3. Log in to your Google account or select which account you’d like to use from the pop-up window.
  4. Click Allow to authorize the connection between IFTTT and Google Calendar.
  5. Click Done.
  6. Click Connect to authorize the connection between IFTTT and Evernote.
  7. Log in to Evernote with your username (or email) and password. Click sign in when you’re done.
  8. Authorize (or re-authorize) IFTTT.
  9. Click Done.
  10. Edit the default notebook and tags you’d like to use for each new entry. You can leave these as the defaults, if you prefer.
  11. Click Add. Now, any entry you make to Google Calendar automatically sends itself to Evernote as a note.

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