Neowin spotted new, cheeky anti-Google pop-ups that aim to dissuade Edge users from jumping ship. One sassy message says, “This browser is so 2008! Do you know what’s new? Microsoft Edge.” Even though Edge may arguably be a better browser, out of sheer spite, I suspect many users will continue to download Chrome with an air of defiance. No one likes to be bossed around.

Microsoft Edge vs. Google ChromeThe best laptops of 2021

Microsoft is determined to steal Google Chrome’s loyal users

According to Staistica, as of September 2021, Google Chrome has the largest browser market share at 65%. Safari sits at a far second at 19%. Unfortunately for Edge, it is the fifth most used browser in the world, dominating only 4% of the market. Fifth place is, of course, an unsatisfactory ranking for Microsoft, so the Redmond-based tech giant is concocting new ways to lure more users to Edge. As mentioned, one of those ways is issuing new messages to discourage users from migrating to Chrome.  Some pop-ups are tame, simply informing users that Edge is built on the same framework as Chrome. For example, one message says, “Microsoft Edge runs on the same technology as Chrome, with the added trust of Microsoft.” The last portion of that statement implies that the Redmond-based tech giant has more integrity than its rival. Other messages have a sassy tone to them. The Verge spotted a pop up that said, “‘I hate saving money,’ said no one ever. Microsoft Edge is the best browser for online shopping.” This statement alludes to the new shopping features Microsoft added on Edge, including a price comparison tool and price history tracker. The Redmond-based tech giant already makes it difficult for Windows users to change their default browser and it’s ousting apps that block Edge from auto-launching. Now, Microsoft is getting desperate and practically begging its users to stick around with pushy pop-ups. Edge may be a better browser than Chrome, but it’s human nature to be resistant to change and defiant, so we doubt this new gameplan will work. As Google continues to gain more ground in the browser market, we look forward to see what other wacky tactics the Redmond-based tech giant has up its sleeves.

Microsoft Edge plays dirty to deter users from downloading Chrome   check out the shady new pop ups - 39Microsoft Edge plays dirty to deter users from downloading Chrome   check out the shady new pop ups - 33Microsoft Edge plays dirty to deter users from downloading Chrome   check out the shady new pop ups - 12Microsoft Edge plays dirty to deter users from downloading Chrome   check out the shady new pop ups - 22Microsoft Edge plays dirty to deter users from downloading Chrome   check out the shady new pop ups - 36Microsoft Edge plays dirty to deter users from downloading Chrome   check out the shady new pop ups - 51